Thursday, August 23, 2007

Day 2: Adventure in Paris

So today, after sleeping an ungodly amount of hours no matter which country I am in, I became brave and ventured out to find my first cafe creme. I read the rules on finding a place to eat and it meant finding a place with a crowd of French people. Anyone who knows me, knows how intimidating crowds can be for me. But I decided I can't be in Paris and be afraid of everything! So I ventured out into the Marais along Rue Archives and Rue Rivoli, which led me to a cafe called Le Bucheron. It is a tiny place by American standards, but I have a hunch that it is considered quite roomy in Paris. I ordered the much raved about cafe creme and sat back to people watch. The weather is a bit crummy but that doesn't seem to stop the people from bustling about. It seems everyone is already dressed for the Fall, boots, scarves, and leather. I decided I really stick out with my clothes reminiscent of summer, but, as I was assured, tourism is expected here! :P

I've noticed a grocery store across the street so that is my next stop. Even though this coffee is delicious I need regular food for the apartment! Maybe some milk and cereal or some jam for a baguette. I woke up too late to get one today, but tomorrow I am stopping by the bakery to get one. It is all so quaint and Parisian, it is no wonder that so many writers are inspired by the city. I wish I was a better writer to transcribe it all on paper, but alas, I am a numbers gal! Words don't just flow as well from my pen or keyboard despite the surroundings.

Today's game plan was simple: breakfast, grocery shopping, Eiffel Tower, Musee D'Orsay. I hope the Metro is easier to navigate than the post-Roissy bus taxi search! I have no desire to become soaked again...


What a day, what a day!!! I've been to places straight out of movies and pictures, and through it all I didn't get lost! Granted I really didn't have a set of directions to follow, but nonetheless I didn't get lost! At the grocery store I found some milk which I think is suitable for drinking (they didn't have 2 %) and some other edibles. After dropping off the groceries I found the metro and purchased my carnet (a set of 10 tickets). The train arrived shortly after , and it was great! Nothing like the Chicago El, it was clean, quick, and on time. I decided to do some walking so I got off a station earlier than I needed to at Tuilleries. I think that exiting the Metro, I must have walked into a dream. I found myself in a beautiful garden with a small carnival taking place. A beautiful carousel and ferris wheel were taking kids and adults for rides. As I walked further, I really started to believe I was walking into a dream. On my right, I had my very first glimpse of the Eiffel Tower. Since it was a bit cloudy, the view was not spectacular, but the Eiffel Tower has a presence that illuminates the day. I still had exploring to do before heading that way, so I turned to my left and saw a familiar building, the Louvre! Logically I knew it would be there, but it was a nice surprise anyway! It seemed I hit the jackpot! The Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, and down the lawn, L'Arc de Triomphe! I had to literally take a seat since my head began to spin! I was surrounded by all that Paris was famous for, and it was really sinking in! I noticed I no longer stuck out since I was surrounded by tourists of all shapes, sizes, colors, and manners of dress. Here I was one of many, while in the Marais I was one of few!

or two. It was then I made the decision to walk to the Eiffel Tower. OI wandered in the gardens for a bit because I wouldn't be my father's daughter if I hadn't learned to appreciate a prettydahliaK, maybe it wasn't then, maybe it was when I missed the turn for the Metro station. Once I realized I had walked too far, I decided to walk all the way. Easy enough, right? I mean the Eiffel Tower is hard to miss. That part is true, but I grossly underestimated the distance. Lucky for me, I had good shoes on and Paris is very walkable. I just picked a street and strolled, thanking Tarzan in my mind for unknowingly having trained me for such walks! I loved the neighborhoods with their pretty mansard roofs and the beautiful doorways! It was amazing how different Paris is, yet it is still quite similar. I passed by a little girl with her mother looking at a store window, the girl crying as her mother pulled her away. I understood that she wanted something from the store, and I thought it to be a toy or perhaps candy. But it turned out that the little tot was a fashionista in training!! She had wanted a beautiful embroidered coat and matching shoes. It was then and there I decided I must have French blood in me since I love shoes so much!

Walking onwards, I passed through some streets and ended up in a garden. Having checked my map before, I knew there shouldn't be any parks between me and the ET. So I realized I must have arrived at the Champ de Mars. I looked up and saw the Eiffel Tower looming above me. Once more, I skipped ahead snapping pictures left and right! I saw more tourist gathering around the elevators, but decided it wasn't going to be today for me. I prefer facing my fear of heights for a day with a good view!:P I got a nice French woman to take a picture of me, and then an English mother/daughter duo. After snapping more photos than necessary I headed to the Musee D'Orsay. Despite what was on my map, the RER line does not run between Invalides and Orsay! There is a separate bus that runs between the two stops. I learned this from a friendly lady who must have noticed my almost lost look. The bus arrived quickly and I headed down the street only to be sidetracked by a creperie! I had to try just one.... and I was hungry! So I dipped into the food budget and got a nutella filled crepe. Mmm-Mmm-mmm! I savored the delicious confection and went on to the museum. There was a line, but in my chocolate inspired daze, I didn't care! It was actually quick and I was in before the rain started again. I did get an audio guide, but for me it was a waste of money. I did not have the patience to listen to everything being said!

I did enjoy the sculptures, but my favorites were the painting by Manet and Renoir. I ended up with 2 favorite paintings. One was by Jean Delville, entitled L'Ecole de Platon. The other was by Alexandre Cabanel, entitled Naissance de Venus. I also really enjoyed a room on the upper level. As soon as I walked in, my jaw dropped. The room was gilded in gold, with beautiful chandeliers and mirrors. It was a room straight out of a King's chateau! After awhile my feet began to ache so I left the museum in seach of supper. My first choice in restaurant was closed, so I headed back to the apartment and went to a nearby cafe, Les Philosophes. I was a bit adventurous and decided to order whatever was on the menu for the day. I have no food allergies, and I thought it was a good way to try something new. I ended up with a yummy soup, a mix of broccoli and potatoe soup. Whatever it was it hit the spot, since by then it was pouring again and the outside seating was chilly. the main course was a beef with rice and veggies. The beef, which I don't normally eat, was cooked medium well, which I don't normally eat. I eyed the pink tinge of the meat with apprehension but tried it anyway. It was pretty good! Similar to how my mom makes it at home, just not as well done. I ate it up and then went down the street for some gelato from Amorino. It was VERY good, nothing likein hand I made my way up to the studio, up the very long staircase (5th Floor!!!). And so ended my first full the gelato place at DePaul. With that day in Paris, fulfilling in every sense!


Unknown said...

You keep busy... anyway here Schaumburg is out of power..

Cybee said...

Enjoying your post! I am cybee from OurParisForum! So were the Parisien's tucking their slacks into the boots or wearing them under? Did you note any particular style of boots they wore (oh, do you detect another shoe lover here?). After I went to Paris, I became slightly addicted to nutella crepes (make them myself with bananas included) now I think I have maybe cured my addiction to them after having them so oft! (ha!). Keep posting! I love hearing every and all details!

jo(anna) said...

dad says his dahlia are much prettier even after the storm and thank you for keeping in touch.. you missed the party by the way