Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Day 1: Arrival in the Rain

I have finally made it to Paris! Hip Hip Hooray!

I left O'Hare yesterday evening, leaving
a teary eyed sister and father and heading to Zurich for the first leg of the trip. I guess I never really thought the trip was such a big deal, but it turns out it has my dad worried sick. Which mean I have to be extra careful so as to not worry anywhere anymore.

The flight was uneventful, my seatmate was an older Swissman who didn't say much. This left me to read, watch tv, and eventual attempt and fail at getting sleep. At the point where I was just about to fall asleep, the captain announced the landing. Zurich Airport was quite clean and very easy to navigate.

I was at the right gate in no time, and before I knew it we were off to Paris. I almost wish the flight had been longer because I finally started sleeping. The airport in Paris, CDG, was a bit chaotic but eventually I found the Roissy bus that would take me to Opera. The bus ride was quick, but in that time it had started to pour!!! I still caught glimpses of beautiful Montmartre and Galleries Lafayette, which just gave me such an energy boost that I couldn't wait to get off the bus. When we all got off the bus we ran for cover, taking all available spaces under the overhangs. I knew my next step was to find a cab, but I didn't see any taxi stands in site. I ended up walking a few streets over and managed to grab a taxi without getting thoroughly soaked. I was able to give the taxi driver the apartment address, and off we went. This time the ride took me past the Louvre adn Hotel de Ville.
When I saw the glass pyramid and the beautiful building of the Louvre, it finally hit me: I was in Paris!

At the apartment, the owner was very helpful providing me with many books and maps and pamphlets about Paris. He showed me around the tiny apartment and handed over the keys.
When he left I called home, left messages for the parents, and then after unpacking, I went to explore. I walked along Rue du Rivoli , Rue Bourg Tiobourg and explored the side streets. I wasn't in the mood for a big meal but I stopped in a bakery to get a chicken sandwich. I was so proud of the fact I could actually order it! It wasn't anything complicated, but I did it!

I walked back over to the apartment, climbed the never-ending stairs and had my dinner.
I made tea and sat down to listen to a great French station playing some of my favorites (MC Solaar and Garou among others). Occasionally I can hear the church bells ring from the open window making it all seem quite surreal, yet it all feels right. I just hope it stays that way!

I went over my itinerary for tomorrow, and there is a chance my bike tour will be on for tomorrow. I couldn't do it today due to the rain, but I still want to go for it!
We shall see what tomorrow brings, but for now sleep calls and I'm answering!


jo(anna) said...

Yeah!! you're ok!!! and your apartment still looks neat! you're updating! but i'm still teary eyed... glad everything is ok, but i'll take a pass on the sandwich ick! tell me more when you get a chance

jo(anna) said...

margaret says you need to take a picture of yourself with the garden in the background, the sandwich doesn't look to good, and you never called her.
ania says hello!

jo(anna) said...

dad says it's not chicken you're eating it's frog, a nice shiny, slimy, green frog.. and you'll eat plenty of snails, and they lie and say it's chicken.. he's much relieved though that you're safe and sound..

Anonymous said...

hey anna! i'm glad you made it to paris safe and sound. it looks just like paris lol. the pics are awesome. yeah really, it would be nice to see you in pics everywhere you go. makes me think of planning my own trip. some of my relatives live in paris. i will continue to enjoy reading about your trip of the lifetime. have fun anna.
- your friend in elgin

FinallyFree said...

Thank you Joanna! I've talked to you on the phone, so you know what's what. And thank you my friend in Elgin!